Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Wait so what, what dystopia is this?

I am still utterly baffled by who thought “ah yes, surely we want the people from East Detroit to lead our community’s schools”


one of the best teachers i ever had quit for a year because they didn’t want to teach in person during covid, with the understand that they would probably be rehired because they were a good teacher.

but then the school board felt like being petty and didn’t rehire her


I mean technically a judge halted the takeover but they were the one school in the entire state ever at risk of it so like what does that say about the people in charge

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my teachers gave me shit for it but more than once I got the “i’m not mad i’m just disappointed” for this kind of shit. but this also because of not doing homework. like i would sleep in class and not do homework and still “get it” more than the kids who did, but my grades suffered because of the lack of homework sometimes. i still remember this girl telling me “i work so hard and study, and you sleep in class. you seemingly wake up out of a dead sleep and understand what’s going on better than i do.” it’s always made me feel weird because it was still couched in this sense of like “imagine if you tried” thing. it’s just this weird backhanded compliment shit of like “you’re so smart and an enormous disappointment. a waste of potential” and I know that’s harsher than how they meant it, but I’ve never shaken that feeling about myself.


The education system needs a major upgrade folks

honestly on the average public education is pretty good

however school boards are definitely a fucked system lol

Hey so dumb question, what is a school board? :sob:

I don’t think Romania has this or if they do then it’s probably never mentioned

nowhere else do we put a bunch of randos with absolutely zero relevant experience in charge of anything important

and so really the quality of a school is pretty heavily reliant on whether or not your randos are good at what they do or not

some are really bad

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My face when “meritocracy” (could never)

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basically, the idea is that school districts are run by a group of people elected from the community - think of it like a board of directors for a company, except instead of being shareholders or people with significant stake in the functioning of the company as they seek to generate profit, it’s just whoever wins a hyper-local election


i desperately need to find a source for this (the place i learned this cited a source, but i do not remember), but there are PACs that donate to politicians who have policies that will actively sabotage the public school system because that leads to increase in support for private (read: christian) schools and more money diverted to subsidies for them in the form of vouchers.


these people can be experts in education with a deep-rooted desire to help their community’s children

or it can just be some racist guy who campaigned on banning gay books

or anywhere in between

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yeah I’m sorry that’s just a bad take

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Yeah we don’t have this

it’s part of it but genuinely the reasons people push for private and charter schools has a LOT more to do with things that are not religion-based than things that are

yahr my next sem has earliest class at 10:35/11:00 every day its so so nice

like what

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right now my earliest class is a 10:30 and it’s so nice

…but next semester there’s an 8:30 that i have to take to graduate :upside_down_face:

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