Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I mean, mission pmuch accomplished lol


My face when I remove Disney’s self-governing zone due to political pushback

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I agree

I had a junior year theology teacher (awesome guy) who went through basically every political hot-button issue, talked about in-depth what people would argue for and against under a christian theological perspective, and then critically allowed people to discuss amongst themselves and come to their own conclusion about what they believed is right.

some people were just super weirdoes but a lot of the more “casually” christain kids kinda shed a lot of biases in this class. It was cool to see.

needless to say he got such INSANE pushback from parents. Constant furious emails about the things he talked about. Students loved him and I think school did too despite this because he put in a lot of legwork behind the scenes organizing mass and stuff like that.

not to mention other various insane things at my school (former principal being ousted because she wanted to do a series of black speakers talking about their experience being black and the issues they faced. This was in 2020-ish so obviously she got fucking raked over the coals, ousted from the school by the board and replaced)

and we were honestly not even near the worst of christian schools in the region because we focused more on college prep than any of the other ones, and therefore had less % of christians (still like 80-85%) than most other schools in the region.


also my 1st grade teacher and gym coach being ousted by the school for being lesbians lol

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Response ping

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and again I honest to god think its milder at ours than just about any other similar one because a lot of parents did send their kids to my school just for the boasted “100% of [school] graduates attend college” thing they say. Which is true enough as far as “we actively hinder the graduation of kids who say they don’t want to go to college, and force people to apply anyways”

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How does Marhsal (comment) and then Marshal (quote)

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In MA I never had any mental association between private schools and religion here… like some private schools were religious, and even more were like, Christian in name only, but the primary association was “rich people schools for rich people”… almost all the ones I knew of were pretty secular…

We’re also the least religious state in the country I’m pretty sure so that probably has something to do with

Why does everything need to be so political in USA


Here in Romania we barely get so much ideological friction

also our school used to be a lot more lax but there was a lot of drama 20something years ago that led to it kinda being overhauled into way more catholic than it was originally

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I applied to some of the fancy ones and they Wait Listed me because of the Nineteen and Eighty Four

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My test scores were PERFECT the fuck was I supposed to do better. The test didn’t let me do better!!! What the hell!!!



probably either “be super rich” or “don’t be autistic”


They were supposed to be need-blind admissions!!! (Well rich people have Activities like Horse Back Riding and Cancer Charity Your Mom Sets Up In Your Name and such which I did not have that was probably part of it)


the former is pretty likely

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Well some of them let me in but I didn’t want to go to those schools. Expensive and not actually that much better than the public schools. But the ones that were actually very good did not let me in

private schools nominally perform better because they literally gatekeep and comparing them to public schools on an apples to apples basis is dumb as fuck for this reason and yet it happens anyway