Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Charter schools are a fucking scattershot in literally all respects

tell umich to unwaitlist me

They are also significantly harder to actually keep track of and make sure they’re actually doing a good job than public schools

I think there are resources available to get as much experience and education as someone going to a more presitigious school but on a baseline level for your average student its not gonna be as much


but like how do we know that? I can’t find a study on it that isn’t about outcomes and it’s difficult to actually correlate that to quality of education because we should already expect that students going to these institutions are going to have better outcomes since 1) they got into an Ivy league school which is not easy and demonstrates knowledge/skills/connections that will help them get better outcomes and 2) going to an Ivy league school gives you connections and clout to help you get better outcomes.

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when my parents were first deciding where to send me to kindergarten they were ideologically opposed to charter schools and refused to consider sending me to any but it turns out that four years of, like, “the special ed director never having heard of Asperger’s Syndrome*” or “my little sister’s teacher literally not bothering to teach her any math for the entirety of first grade”** is enough to get you to reconsider your deeply-held principles***

* this was back when it was still its own diagnosis separate from autism

** (technically this was after they moved me)

*** they did consider sending me to a private school for kindergarten which is a sort of :joy_cat: set of principles to have but


generally ivy league schools have a lot of resources available

talk to anybody ever that has taken a difficult class at a lower-ranked school to have an easier time

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but what’s the average, like, education quality difference here? is it 10% better? 25%? 50%? 100%?

I mean u can just take a look at the resources available in research labs. even if what the teachers r saying isnt as much, the education you can get through being in these spaces is super invaluable lol

I mean I suspect I’d be equally bad at taking advantage of resources no matter where I was. I am very bad at this. I think it depends

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why are we assuming the difficulty of the class is causally linked to learning more when it seems obvious (at least to me) that a class can obviously be more difficult without actually teaching its students more effectively? isn’t the ideal class one where the students are learning so effectively that the class felt easy?

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this is true and not ideal! it seems Obviously Good to have government oversight of charter schools to make sure they are actually educating their students and to be willing to shut them down if they aren’t

but on some level I think charter school opponents need to engage with the fact that oftentimes, the reason people stick their kids in charter schools is because the local district schools suck, either in general or for those kids in particular

and that “maybe in five or ten or twenty years we’ll have fixed them” is a fundamentally inadequate solution when there are kids being given a fundamentally inadequate education now

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obviously quality of education relies on the educator not the school but there are schools with some funding and schools that outweigh companies

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and again I’m very glad that it worked out for you but I don’t think this in any way detracts from my central belief that it makes more sense to focus on bettering public education than it does to privatize and decentralize it

I don’t have any issues with the idea of people sending their kids to a charter school, and in fact I would probably do the same if it were best for my kid, but the fact that it is the best option for any kid is something that won’t be fixed through making more charter schools lol

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You can be of personality or. Disability. To which you would not get so much out of having these resources available to you because you simply do not or cannot take advantage of them

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it’s highly likely that a majority of the skew would be because of advanced expectations from someone with a 1520/1600 and 6.7 weighted GPA

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the issue is this cuts both ways - there are kids in charter schools being robbed of an education right now too, and the lack of oversight means that often charters at their worst fails kids significantly worse than public schools

(this is nitpicky but fwiw I don’t really support private schools + definitely don’t support vouchers for private schools in the vast majority of circumstances)

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it’s like honors on steroids they drop more on you and you get more bragging rights because of it