Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

“privatize” meaning “owned by companies”

charter schools are privatized

that doesn’t make them private schools but I don’t decide what the words mean I just use them

if we’re being really pedantic I think mine was technically owned by a non-profit :joy_cat:


that is extremely pedantic given I’m pretty sure we’re both on the same page now about which definition of “privatized” I was using :stuck_out_tongue:

Private school sounds really really weird as a concept

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Wait until you learn about homeschooling and how there’s often virtually no oversight or standardization.


Education wise. Actual education. I don’t know. I do not know anything. Classes here are simultaneously extremely easy and extremely difficult for me. Easy in terms of learning material. Difficult in terms of attending and completing work. The thing that would be of benefit to actually learning would be to be doing things other than classes. Which I am not.


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yeah that sucks too a lot of the time

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There are sufficient resources available that I think I could teach myself anything there is in a book somewhere… the value of classes themselves not so much. And I don’t do anything but classes. I feel little value

extracurriculars are huge please please please do them

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My personal experience being so bizarre means I have virtually no ability to speak broadly…

I would love to but a solid 50% of my waking hours I literally can’t move

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yeah that is rough

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There was a case over the news (in Romania), the kid was 12, I don’t know what happened in the middle but child protection services were called, the kid was homeschooled, the social assistance quizzed him on some stuff and they stated that they have “massive gaps in knowledge” and then got taken away.

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How much I would love to have photographic memory so I could forget nothing

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Difficult things are easy for me and easy things are difficult


if u wanna forget nothing theres google highly superior autobiographical memory, super weird to think about