Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

its not my fault that my Uncle was one of the finest “Guy who swears he submitted his resume to 2 more jobs this week and is definitely gonna find something within the month” this side of the Mississippi I feel like the expectations are unreasonable


My parents generally expect from me my continued survival and I think the illness destroyed most of the rest of their expectations


Perks :+1:

And they expect me not to bring home a cat during the summers so I can’t get a cat even if I really want to. That’s the restrictions

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you gotta keep hiding me in your basement then


I’ll smuggle you in. You’ll be fine so long as Lucky doesn’t blow your cover


[He definitely will]

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“The illness”?

Yeah the illness. You know. The one

That sentence was poorly worded it’s been updated

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Patch notes removed pronoun with unclear antecedent

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my parents pretend that they will be happy with whatever i do but i can tell that isn’t the truth

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I used to kind of hallucinate silent parental expectations where there were none but now that I am an adult person I can tell that my lie detectors were experiencing a false positive there


Turns out even if your parents are fine it’s remarkably easy to just, like, fuck yourself up by making up expectations anyway


And it’s generally your reaction to those expectations, not the expectations themselves, that actually have impact on your life, so it winds up functionally being the same in many cases


It’s almost May I want it to be May it’s a good month. Well May is a social construct so most of the good things about it are already here

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If one of those things is “temperature greater than 15.5C”, can that happen already?

they don’t allow that in the uk

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yo same

crazy how quickly expectations evaporate once you introduce sympathy


Yes especially if i get scumread. I deserve eternal torment for my sins~