Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Your comments on this matter have reminded me that no matter what, I can’t let my spark go out. This weekend, after some of my relationships at work got more hostile and also after getting a cut on my hand that makes swimming unrealistic for at least a couple weeks, I let frustration and boredom get to me while letting up on the cardio, which was pretty foolish. No matter how things are going for me in other facets of my life, I can’t take a day off from running. So thank you for helping me remember that


:heart: i do hope things get better at work, and that your hand heals quickly


you coulda just said you went out to your backyard

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No i drove 10 minutes away :rage:

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While studying, I’ve realized that I think that my vocabulary got really rigid, I can’t really think fast as I used to.

I should probably get back to reading books

Fellow book lovers of all shapes and sizes, what book did you like the most and what is it called

At the end of the day I am not really sure how well I will do for this practice exam, I definetly sure hope it’s better than the last.

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the concept of “fol house” sounds really funny to me

insert house md gif



fol creepypasta

The Rook

From Daniel O’malley.

(It’s not about chess)
It has the weirdest superpowers I ever read about, and some morality about how to use them.

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My second picks would be K. W Jeter: Farewell Horizontal and G. G. Asiron’s first book. (Sadly it looks like it wasn’t published in english.)

@Chloe i never saw you edit and then revert my last post in cookie thread 3 and just saw this today


Both story is about the protagonist, who tries to accomplish the seemingly impossible in a very unique fantasy setting.

(The first from pressure, the other because he feels like he found their soulmate reading a diary…)

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wait a fucking second now


they have a moon icon, not the same person


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