Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Me too.
But I always got the labelling that water doesn’t have those flavours naturally.

I mean it doesn’t but the fact that it doesn’t have any actual artificial sweeteners makes it much better than any similar products. I just looked the matter up and there is no research indicating otherwise. Just make sure you watch your dental health since carbonation is still acidic


I’m go touch grass.
(Hopefully for about an hour, but it will be probably less.)

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I wish I could have a photographic memory, so I could just ace everything

Well, see you guys once again

I’m back.

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It was more half jugging, half walking. But it’s a start.

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Are you sure about that?

Uhm, yes?

That’s school for you when you have to write tests

Sounds like the dream, doesn’t it?

We’re fucked.

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I suddenly remembered that there’s a sitcom that I saw like 7 years ago about some sort of witch school like harry potter. The plot looked pretty intriguing, I wonder if I can refind it

I don’t live in a city but walking at night is nice

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ngl im really jealous of people who feel safe enough to take night walks. i used to love doing that with my dad when i was younger
its not even just the Unsafe City part its also the (sometimes) Girl-Passing part and (more often) Very Visibly Queer part

pls take all the night walks u can in my stead, and be safeze


sorry i dont mean to a huge downer :joy_cat:

its just moments like this that remind me how unfair the world is


fol house outside a queer-friendly city when


I went to a dark cornfield last night to stargaze and I didn’t get shot

I gotchu Chloe


That’s probably a good stance to have in general, especially if you’re queer. And while I don’t feel particularly unsafe on my overnight runs, I don’t feel particularly safe either; I just don’t really care. I almost got mugged once when I went more southward. For most of the winter I stayed on the north end of the trail, but that incident is not enough of a deterrent for me to keep me from running the entire 20+ mile trail at least once a week starting this month. That said, this is not a normal take and is more of a function of my insanity. To me, my life has at most no (and arguably negative) inherent value if I am not able to outpace depression and boredom by staying exhilirared as often as possible. Regardless, I’ll make sure to log enough miles for you and everyone else who doesn’t feel safe doing so