Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

there are things you cannot traditionally gain from a full vegan diet but iirc there are people making vegan foods that still contain normal nutrition

it’s not a cheap lifestyle though


Hello number 1, how have you been?

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there’s like
this vegan burger that they are attempting to engineer to be completely indistinguishable from a normal burger it’s crazy

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EXTREME amounts of pain. stomach cramps to high hell from it. i also get it from peas to a lesser degree

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also i love sodium soooo much and i bet there arent easily microaveable vegan meals with super high sodium to keep me unhealthy

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supplements are so goated. i forget for 2 days and everything feels worse, how did i used to live like that


anything spicy is now banned :/


girls watching northernlion :sob::sob::sob:

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tf does that mean???

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it’s fucked up that capsaicin is technically a neurotoxin. because like yeah. it makes sense. but it’s hard to imagine glados using it against you


nothing of value is lost with the peas dont worry. british people are like “mushy gloopy gray porridge peas mmmm so yummy so tasty nyom nyom nyom nyom nyom”. could you believe it? both @Arctic and @Wazza love mushy peas. i suspect they’re both feral

imagine glados is like “there is a desdly neurotoxin inside this room, dont go in” and you walk in and its a ghost pepper and she tries to force you to eat it


oh trust me when i say there is
my freezer is still half easy cook vegetarian and vegan food from when my sister lived here like 3 years ago


im sure theyre loaded with sodium but just in case you can like pour salt on it no harm in that. well alot of harm but you get me

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to this day i cannot tell if it’s a negative response from losing something now that i’ve gotten used to it or an actual physical dependency i’ve grown

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have i told the hot sauce story here yet

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bro is addicted to vitamins


i dont take supplements im stronk. not weak like u. addicts. first u take pill for this. then pill for that. xanax. not paying attention at school? bam - adhd, drink 5 pills of xanax. crackheads…


i have so i will merely repost the image

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i know i used to feel horrible and terrible all the time physically and now i am dumb and healthy and feel fine