Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

looks like ur mama raised no bitch

when my pain first got bad i started taking asprin and ill be real asprin fucks

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Me easily

I did truck alone today (1,000 packages averaging 30lb apiece) and my back is crying but it could be thrice as bad and I still wouldn’t take painkillers

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Im not a masochist but it is bad to take painkillers



Like getting addicted to pills is not it

Pain isn’t healthy it is in fact a disease I have. But pain is associated with healthy behaviours

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you unload stuff from a truck onto a palette? i used to work that. for a day, then i almost fainted from exhaustion and i got fired

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someone has to tell you there are non addictive pain meds

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They are the main type of pain med

Nah from a palatte into our store. Just once a week though the rest of the week I manage overnight shift

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okay its close. i dont know. what do u guys think?

Everything is addictive, coffee is addictive

coffee is less safe than paracetamol

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seconding the “painkillers bad” take

obviously exceptions for specific medical procedures and conditions and all that (I took them when I had a bruise between two of my ribs, for example, although my fractured rib didn’t require them at all) but the very large majority of the population really should not be taking them constantly


Dont people get addicted like all the time to painkillers since not taking it means pain comes back and nobody wants that?

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certain painkillers are highly addictive, yes


They just said pain wasn’t healthy. I think it is and I get high off of it. So definitely me


I literally have a disease that means all exercise is painful! That’s factually true! Pain is associated with healthy behaviours!


alright im convinced u win

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