Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i understand avoiding consistent use, thats fine, but trust me you are not at risk by taking something that is unironically safer for you than like an energy drink

okay that’s too far in the other direction


Yeah he definitely wins and it’s so annoying because it ruins my jokes by comparison


Have you said what disease it is? that sounds awful

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you take so much Ls that you can’t even be the best at being last place, u get second place at that too. true Loser girl :sob:


Connective tissue disorder that gives me chronic joint pain (presents similar to arthritis, for reference)


i exercise and it hurts but then i go numb so it doesn’t matter too much

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it does matter a little bit because being numb is bad

Currently I am lying down and my hips are not happy about that

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Wait is that related to how your finger bends more?

ye standard NSAID and the like aren’t dangerous to your health in reasonably small quantities

still I think the large majority of people can probably get by on, like, taking them for one or two cases at most in an entire year and be just fine

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Yea it is

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oh no

This is a type of thing that you would know you have right? like people wont live their entire life not knowing

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Weaker connective tissue means your joints aren’t held in place as well. Hence the hypermobility. And it’s painful to have your joints move out of place. And on top of that the connective tissue issues are also associated with nerve pain

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i hate how mays chronically ill worse than me. i cant be the strong one in the relationship fuck that

Oh bad news people will absolutely live their entire life not knowing


My grandmother did. She had literally all the symptoms and the doctors she saw were like “alright awesome you’re a hypochondriac”


mays going to ask me to open a jar of pickles and i will cry