Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Yeah im cool

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Got a lockout but itā€™s already worked out. And I solved it while not pissing off the keymaster unlike the previous times

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Would they even attracted me, even if they never see someone as my gender in their whole life?

This thought is just so depressingā€¦


More than any gender, Iā€™m attracted to a convoluted combination of hobbies, academic and athletic interests, and personality traits that Iā€™m now convinced doesnā€™t actually exist outside of me. I might have fantasized about it if I didnā€™t consider it a waste of time


My cousinsā€™ dad told me opposites attract but I call bullshit on that

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I mean its either opposite or exactly the same usually, but that was for friendship so its different

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Life without a friend is a tough one.

Although I think the best life is making imaginary friends or having supportive voices in your head. They donā€™t hurt you


That is true, but its better to have no friends then fake ones

I could not survive in either case but Iā€™ll take your word for it

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The toughest thing for me was that people never treated me as genuine. I might be a weird person, but I always do my best to be myself and be straight up. When people treat me as being dishonest or call me a troll, it truly hurts my feelings.



I have confidence that my boss will agree to cut my friendā€™s hours if thatā€™s necessary to retain him, even though he is incompetent and has been written up, because I am so reliant on the friendship. They let me work twice a week for two years. Imma discuss the plan with him during our shift next Monday

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The other friend is taken care of for the long term I think. She got over me having been into her really quickly, she accepted a promotion, and sheā€™s dating another worker on staff. Asking her to hang outside of work seems stupid now, but Iā€™ll probably ask her to go running with me sometime in may provided things are still going well at work

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I should definitely put aside time to finish baldurā€™s gate 3 before then though. You gotta give to get in terms of recreational passions

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I know what you mean, being called a liar is something that deeply upsets me as well. I also tend to tell the truth a lot, which tended to push a lot of people away, but I found a handful of people who accepted who I was and I stuck by them for all my life. Really its cuz I didnt bother wasting my time with people who didnt get it

If someone tells me iā€™m a liar or disingenuous to my face and I disagreed, I would either blow up at them if I felt safe doing so, or more likely if I didnā€™t, just bear it and then vent over text to my cousinsā€™ dad whoā€™s been the GOAT of giving me advice time and time again over the past six months

ā€¦is your cousins dad not your uncle

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This probably would upset me, but luckily it hasnā€™t happened

Heā€™s like, my 2nd cousinsā€™ dad.
My late grandmaā€™s sisterā€™s son

I still call that my uncle tbh. (In technicality it is first cousin once removed, but itā€™s a mambo-jambo you hear only from professionals)

Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow I have practice exam at geography and I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee