Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

the niche ones are Order of the Stick (webcomic about D&D, not actually that niche) and What Happens Next (webcomic about autistic trans people cancelling each other online for being involved in murders)



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I’m not counting Rain because I don’t read it anymore since it ended

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tbf xkcd is pretty mainstreamish at this point (man whose perception of what is well known is entirely skewed)




around a year ago I did mays now forum background and I straight up have not finished a project since. And calling mays background finished is iffy I was not happy with that at any point i think i restarted that an insane amount of times


im much better at what the kids call “graphic design” than art. random colors and shapes are my jam. if the shape isnt a square i dont know what to do man

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please do not use Milo Holliday as your role model

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i am trying really hard to do art because I have spent a lot of this year and last writing a ~visual novel, and have come to realize that requires doing visuals. for the visual part of visual novel

i am not very good

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I basically learned to draw just to make Flight Rising accents for Flight Rising money

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Epic dragons…

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(They’re skins I didn’t do the base dragon)

It is now that image is banned.
Source: stop running rain my team doesn’t do too well against it

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That reminds me I should stop procastinating responding to dm’s

took you long enough

just took a bite of the worst vegetable enchilada ever ama

Smother it with ranch

there is no saving this vegetable enchilada. the ratio of ranch:enchilada that would make it tolerable is equivalent to just drinking ranch. which seems like the most viable option rn


Hey Marshal, how are you feeling today

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To get Flight Rising skins & accents approved and turned into an item onsite you have to submit them to a queue. Now FR is a pretty big site and literally only 2 people work this queue, so it’s usually like at least a week for approval, and due to weird legacy reasons all skin and accents must have the dragon’s base lines and shadows overlaid on them at a certaun level of visibility, and this level is VERY ARBITRARY. So you spend ages waiting around just to be told “This looks great! But the dragon’s lines and shadows must be clearly visible and darker than the colors on which they rest. Please darken the lines and shadows and resubmit.” And this happens over and over and over again and makes accent artists insan e

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