Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

this reminds me of one of the best gender self-descriptions that i’ve ever seen 1s

You don’t know her last name?

she definitely does ive sent it to her often

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no its literally lastname. thats the person i addresseed the letter to

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You don’t want to publicly say Marissa’s last name?

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Yeah i can see things like “this person is convetionally attractive” n stuff like that but im not like “wow that person is attractive!” if u get the diff there

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Coward. Dox her

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i do appreciate her not spelling it in full though because otherwise the first thing an employer would see when googling my name is 14 posts about wanting to do things with incineroar


I am generally uninterested in litigating the exact dictionary definitions of various words and forms of attraction and honestly find it odd when people do. Gay is when you’re gay

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“Well technically I should call myself X but-“ hmmm. No

whats it called when you experience visual attraction but only for buff cat fire type pokemon




im like. only sorta kinda gay. but due to The Horrors™ i have messy brain things that make it hard to like. tell apart actual real normal things and strange little sandcastles that i built because of The Horrors™
so instead of like understanding myself I just say gay

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There is no technically. You can’t scan somebody’s brain and find their Set In Stone True Identity. These are descriptions of the self not medical conditions

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one day all the folds will untangle and i will be able to see clearly and there is an incredibily solid chance it is Still Gay

if you pay a guy enough he’ll pretend to be incineroar


How much

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