Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


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Sexuality moment

see idk what demisexuality js :joy_cat:

I thought i was bi for the longest time mainly just bc i didnt really care to actually figure out what i was, i just knew i was attracted to multiple genders

then eventually i decided to actually research it bc i had discussed it with other people and i was like “oh this makes more sense”

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basically just needing to like. know/be friends with someone to be attracted to them

if the concept of a one night stand is inherently confusing and/or repulsive you’re probably demi


Maybe then? I could literally never imagine seeing someone i dont know well and asking them out

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Ill look into later

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(will not look into bc ill forget)

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im gay

demisexuality is when you’re only sexually attracted to people that you’re romantically attracted to

i get how what you said vibes that way to kat but it doesn’t seem like the same thing as what you described? mainly because your version doesn’t necessarily have a sexual component at all, and also i’ve definitely heard from some aces i know that they can experience visual attraction without experiencing sexual attraction so i wouldn’t really wanna lump those two together

and also i can definitely look at people and think “you look a way that makes me wanna kiss you” and not “you look a way that, well…”

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i once again don’t care

i dont find it confusing or repulsing but i also wouldn’t

if you find women confusing and repulsing you’re probably gay

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this applies regardless of gender


im just a really good hater

i would definitely say not experiencing visual attraction at all is a form of pansexuality

the question is if that experience has its own label lol


brother you are on the wrong forum


I’m a gay woman and a vaguely bisexual guy trhat’s just how it is sometimes


i care that you are gay, TodaysStory


thank you Marissa “Marshal” Lastname