Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


It’s fine to look at one’s sexuality as inherent and physical if it’s true of oneself and a helpful framework to look at the world. But if somebody finds that looking at their sexuality as inherent and physical is, like, unhelpful and reductive and distressing, as I did, they can simply not do that

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Dont think in ways that provide no additoinal insight and make you feel bad, and other helpful May tips


I was already here

I’m gay

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One of my irl friends believes that bisexuality, not straightness, is the base human state and I fully agree and I also think sexuality is just a label and that’s why bisexuality is the base human state

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Alot of takes

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This video

People are always having takes in the cookie thread

idt bisexuality is a default state because it is in human nature to reproduce

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People are always having takes in the cookie thread


As in
“Most people would fuck the same gender, just not a lot of people of that gender”

I don’t think there is any “default” state of the self etc etc et al


i dunno

i think this is a gay brained take

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I believe that straightness is the default, but obviously it’s okay if you’re not born straight

Who give a shit people just are as they are and arguing over what the “default” state is is immaterial to actual reality


default peepee poopoo

Statistically, the default state is being dead

Statistically, the default state is being May (I only have data on one person)


It’s settled. The default state of being is Mayness