Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Is that even solvable as a sodoku? Those 1s always will be in the same column…

unfortunately you only need to ensure that there are no duplicate numbers on every face

maybe it’s a mathematical impossibility or something

Technically there are 12 numbers in each column and row, so i can see why it is impossible to make it work as a sodoku, but the same number in the center catched my eye before I even thought about that.

girl you are way too educated on this

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i like binding of isaac


there is a 9x9 version though

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for playing six games of sudoku simultaneously

“I’m not a Bible fan I’m just a Binding of Isaac fan”


Ok, so for masochists.
Where can I get my hands on one of these?


they taught us very little bible in schools. i think the assumption was wed already be familiar in all Christian Belief and Tradition so in religious education we covered other stuff like islam. and the civil rights movement in america. dont worry we still two times a week to sing about how much we loved jesus
pretty much all biblical stuff i know is bc binding of isaac or “itd be funny to respond with a bible passage here”. ive heard its good reading though



A 5 by 5 can already function as a a sodoku and a magic cube the same time without hitch.

And in theory a 4 by 4 can do that too. (16 characters for 16 place in a row) but I can’t tell without trying it first if it works or not.

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alot of our history classes and religious education was just talking about fucked up shit anerica did. and like gandhi if youre lucky. Hey remind us again why gandhi did that


Masochists would playing killer sodocube…

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American education glorifies America so

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Lmao we’re so similar
I never paid attention in church unless we were watching veggie tales or singing songs

Most of my bible knowledge is from the binding of isaac and my christian friends lmfao

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my sister and I were pretty bad at paying attention, so at some point Dad started making us summarize the readings + homily to him afterwards