Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

yeah I haven’t released it yet
The script is currently pretty inconvenient to run because it requires manually entering a bunch of games and alignments, then waiting for a while as it gets all the data, so I want to fix that before making it public


Hey kid you want a pirated copy of Terminal of Lies


you wouldn’t lie in a mafia game!

“mom can we stop at Zugzwang’s house and get Terminal of Lies”

“we have Terminal of Lies at home”

Terminal of Lies at home: having three different Isos open in different tabs and periodically switching which one you’re looking at



I dreamt a very long dream coz was tired and wasnt supposed to sleep. First i was running away from the terminator with some companions. We were in a school there were a lot of characters. He caught me but became my ally. Then i had to fly away to a corrupt country to play a game tournament on LAN. Then i became luffy from one piece and had the arlong park walk and the music. Then i fly in the vegetable compartment in a plane. Then i died but respawned at home and downloaded the game there. But realized i need to play there. So i died again and respawned at the other country the plane was carrying my corpse. Then i went to the line i had to give them my id and permission and money to pass. Then i woke up. It was a semi-lucid dream now that i think of it i didnt realize i was dreaming but i was controlling it and it was very visual, i did cool things. I also saved some kids at a mall from some terrorists. My best friend that was accompanying me abandoned me because he became a dog and his wife was also a dog but she cheated on him with another dog and there were puppies that wasnt his but he had to raise them


I wasnt supposed to sleep i have so much obligations and work to do jfc


dear lord what did i miss on lecture 5


yeah im gold in NA

i oscilate between high gold and plat

omega strikers starting you at rookie is fun because then you steamroll everyone that’s actually at rookie rank and until you rise to the level of your incompetence and start losing

can confirm

made a throwaway alt account a bit back and without even trying won 25 games straight using basically exclusively characters I don’t use and playing mainly off-role

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has anyone else noticed that theyre getting little to no notifs for specifically eliza likes and replies


or have i just been blessed


Mods have 1984’d me

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me too but not just for eliza. im not getting almost any likes notifications. still getting all replies notifications

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there is one level from smm1 left uncleared. it is this one

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check this setting? maybe change it to something else then change it back


oooh that must be it hehehe smart chloe :blush:

big dummy silly dum dum orange too busy shitposting in compooter thwead, responsible mom chloe answers technical difficulties question heheheh :blush:

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