Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Oh no, they still have their official names. Just the peers give them other names.

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when I was in Poland eevee’s parents assigned me a Polish variation on my name



with that being said it was a variation on my name rather than “Alex’s name is Alex but his Japanese class name is Daichi”


I assume this was triggered when I was kicked in and out of many PMs for the ongoing RP game, but anyhow I fixed this by clicking [Dismiss] after I got a new notification.

At least I can trust in that button to dismiss all notifications. :+1:

parents tend to be worse at learning language than kids, and its just a variation, if it was easier to pronounce fair enough for convenience, it’s not like they’ll speak to you for a long time

the story with it happening in schools is rly weird to me. and silviu’s story. i hope those two vietnamese kids are cool with it. like they see each other every day, why not learn their names? or being given a lets say spanish name all year for all your spanish classes. like wtf

Essentially peers heard their vietnamese names and give a romanian variation instead for the sake of ease of use.

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I’m “the”

One unusual fact about Romania is that we have alot of ethinically chinese people. And you can find them if you look for shops branded as “china shops”.

Maybe I just have an impression that there’s alot of chinese people because I am able to readily see them around if I go to the neighboring big city.

I entered a shop and I was listening to one chinese woman talking on the phone and they were speaking flawless Romanian though they unusually accented some words sometimes and did speak in a flow that reminded me of chinese.

I love foreign people

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my high school Latin teacher assigned us all Latin class names, except that he was actively trying to troll us with them

when I was a freshman [first year of high school, typically ages 14-15] my partner and I were in the same class and he assigned us Klytemnestra and Agamemnon (notably, Greek names, although they do come up in Roman sources). there was another pair of kids in the class that he claimed to think would make a good couple, and he assigned them… Helen and Menelaus

for the other freshman class he assigned all the girls to be named after, this is a direct quote, “conquests of Jupiter,” and the boys to be named after “crazy Roman emperors,” except for one boy who was named Ganymede

when my little sister had his class, he said that he had assigned all of the girls to have the names of famous Vestal Virgins, and then revealed halfway through the year that he had actually given them the names of failed Vestal Virgins


when I say it like that it sounds bad but he was mostly a fine teacher

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I don’t remember, it was when I was a kid. Knowing my preferences it was something long and flowery

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I say, with a one-syllable name chosen by my Self

Like may from the flowers

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Just encountered a very confusing elevator BTW

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Yeah exactly

Ignore that it’s English

Today has been a nya day but every day is a nya day

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bad day kitty?