Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

sureeee buddy

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people recognized me in hs because i was the Local Math Individual ™ and also i would have an autism moment every once in a while

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Why are the site and the email inconsistent about what her name is

people i have never never seen in my life say they recognize me all the time. it’s so silly


Same, but thats cuz I forget

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this has to be some kind of pattern. what about cookie threaders makes us so Recognizable


i wear pajamas every day and have a distinctive haircut and am 6’3 but even then that shouldnt be enough


Im an exception :smiley:

I’m not usually told I’m recognisable

cuz some of these ppl know my name too like im sorry what. thats secret information only people who i have had a conversastion with should know.

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yea its not, im 6’3" as well


I usually go by May in the classes I give a shit about but if I don’t give a shit I just let htem use my birth name. And I misjudged how much talking there would be in one of my classes, so I used my birth name here, but then I had to talk to my clsasmates and they used itand it was very weird

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There’s not many people I don’t know at my school
So this has only happened a few times

Have you never like known somebody’s name before talking to them?

I’m also 6’3 :)

certain people would laugh about me breaking down enough that most people knew my name from those incidents alone

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idk why i said all the time i can only think of a few times this has happened. but the people in my classes recognize me more than they should for someone who barely has a life outside of said classes

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As a math nerd what does that mean