Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

He means why does it give you dysphoria

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Which I will refuse to answer for you

Are the two not interchangeable im lost

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Are the two what’s

Dysphoria and…

Like your question and mine

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No, mostly, but people understand things differently

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well i mean, the number doesn’t

but when i’m the youngest in my immediate family, meaning i’ve spent most of my life being the de facto shortest, only to grow into being the longest, it’s an unpleasant discovery of “oh this is what height dysphoria is like”


i didn’t mean to say longest but that’s funnier so i’m leaving it


So like you don’t want to be taller then your family because you weren’t taller before?

I think “what’s wrong with x” and “why does x make you dysphoric” are sometimes interpreted as different uqestions because like. I don’t dislike being called a girl (at times) cause there’s something Wrong with it (hashtag misogyny). Just makes me feel bad


But they’re functionally very similar questions when there’s an implicit “(in your case)” just a difference of semantics that can sometimes cause confuse


misogyny is when you talk down to women right?

Yea it is

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nah, the “i was shortest before” bit just makes it stick out to me more

are you on the same page as the rest of us on what we mean by dysphoria? cause i’m not sure you are


Like a #girlboss #i hate women

Im not sure ngl i think i am?

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I just dont think about myself like ever, so its hard to like understand

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