Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

like, i’m trans

so i’m dysphoric about guyish things about me

including being taller than other people


you think about yourself all the time. it comes for free with your fucking consciousness


But like 5’7” isnt tall tho

I try not to tho, it’s depressing

Im being dumb again :frowning:

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I think about myself so much. So so much

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yeah but it’s taller than the people most genetically similar to me

you can’t reason with dysphoria it just happens or doesn’t :woman_shrugging: :female_sign:


Do you like doing that?

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Yeah irrational stuff is hard to think about from a logic pov

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I used to try to perform insecurity because all my friends were very insecure (Warrior Cats site full of middle schoolers, of course we were) and I kind of internalised it. And then one day I realised that there was nobody to get me In Trouble for, like, thinking about myself too much. That it was fine to just, like, be confident. And then I did it

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Yeah I love thinking about myself. I love when people make observations about me… I love making observations about myself. How my reactions to things work. Why they work that way. It helps me understand other people


I think im the exact opposite lmao

i loved it until i realized it was just enabling me to mask way too much

I used to hate the sound of my own recorded voice. I think in part because all my friends hated the sound of their recorded voice, and so I thought that was the normal thing to do. And in part because of what my voice actually sounded like? I thought I sounded too childish. And I was a child. I just didn’t like being one. And now I love it


Oh wow yeah i really hate my voice lmao

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I just dont like hearing myself

It’s funny… I always partially attributed it to hearing my voice on recording a lot, and so changing the way I spoke to sound better that way, but… thinking back, a lot of the traits I “disliked” about it initially are the same things that I like now. I think I genuinely just changed my mind

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if you don’t like your voice then simply create a new one from scratch for totally cis purposes :sunglasses:


I mean i forget i dont like it when i dont hear it

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So then its a non issue