Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


Thatā€™s why I rig it in Virtuous

im kinda mixed on it but i lean towards being fine with it

as long as its not legal to talk about whether or not you actually did it (im p sure this is the case)

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i think im more okay with it in mashes in general i guess

but ive still yet to do it myself despite being a host in a handful of mashes and in almost all of them seeing someone rand an important/strong role and being like ā€œwow i have actual concerns here lolā€

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For rigging role rands

Itā€™s a skill issue insofar that the other valid option is to run Chair of Deception, which sucks



I ran chair of deception for some discord server and, predictably, it sucked

I support rigging who gets what, but only for assigning which player is the botc Vizier



I think being able to not rig the role rand is a desirable quality in a setup, and that generally one should work toward having to do less rigging and have more combinations of roles one can run in practice, but I donā€™t think itā€™s entirely necessary for a setup to function randomly. I donā€™t think a setup has to be fully randable to be good.

Thereā€™s a lot of design space that is just flat-out impractical if you donā€™t have riggable role rands. BotC, for exampleā€¦ you can rand Trouble Brewing and be basically fine, but even the other base scripts youā€™re going to want to set things up manually to ensure a balanced game. And it would be extremely difficult to make a setup with the kind of mechanical complexity in those other scripts without some level of rigging!


Flexibility is good, but sometimes you want to sacrifice flexibility to make something Cool and Interesting, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s bad, cause the other option is not having such setups at all

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Thereā€™s so much interesting design space opened up by accepting that setups are sometimes gonna be unbalanced if fully randed, and thus need to be Mildly Rigged. Iā€™m not so principled that Iā€™d say itā€™s right for it all to be closed up.

Thereā€™s ways to mitigate the amount of host-side rigging you gotta do over making it an inherent part of the setup, e.g. grouping roles into categories, making certain roles always appear in the game, or what BotC does with Jinxes where certain roles with negative interactions canā€™t appear together, and those are desirable to do also. But again. Sometimes you canā€™t get rid of all of it.






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Im not trying to say that setups where rigging is necessary should be rejected or are unfun or anything like that, but if there is role rigging without that being made like very very clear to the players i dont think those setups are best balanced compared to others

With BOTC i think role rigging is expected, its made clear (and encouraged) that the ST has picked what roles go in the bag, and also randomiz8ng that would be very impractical. When I run BOTC i do techniclaly rig roles bc im choosing what tokens to put in the bag, but that is also both ezpected of the ST and also makes sense since an ST also chooses many other things about the game (such as info) that shape the game in massive ways.

In a semi open setup ya u open more possibilites eith role rigging, but i do thibk that if that isnt being made clear to the players that there may be role rigging there is a big issue there, and that at best you should have very little to no role rigging in the setup, assuming your goal is to achieve a balanced setup.

If we going off rule of fun? Do whatever the fuck u want. I like jesters personally but i am not about to put those into a (non bastard) setup bc even tho i think theyre fun they are exceedingly hard to balance around. I was talking from a place of ā€œgoal of balanced setupā€ but if we talking your goal is fun then that does change things and thst depends more on the people youre building it for. Me personally? I like me some fun silly setups from time to time, but what i like most are nice balanced setups where u can focus on the social reads of mafia since thats what i enjoy the most about mafia.

TL:DR ya while role rigging can enhance playability of certain setups and open possibilties, it still doesnt mean that setup is necessairly balanced. the more important thing is that a setup is fun, and for some people that fun comes from balance (like me) or for others it comes from tons of mechanics and semi open setups you have to solve (like whatever tf is going on in special queue half the time i cannot wrap my head around those games)

I hope this made sense and if u have any questions i can try to clear them up. I also wrote this on mobile abd didnt proof read so

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Oh yeah no totally

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It should always at the very least be in the OP with semi opens

In general, you should never rig a rand in any capacity. It is an integrity issue to do anything else.

HOWEVER, I am not against it under specific conditions. 1) The setup is closed and wonā€™t ever be run again. 2) The thing being rigged is at most a couple of roles and never alignment. 3) If a role must be re-randed, itā€™s actually re-randed (into players of the same alignment) and not arbitrarily given to a player the host picked out of a hat.

And I also think that if you can make it so roles donā€™t have to be rigged or itā€™s acceptable not to, you should do that instead. Over like 10+ mashes, I think there was 1 (one) role we ever considered re-randing, and it ended up going to an acceptable player anyway. Also that role low-key sucked, and was more fun and cool in theory than it was in practice so it really should have never been in the game. (This was also an explicitly advertised bastard game.)