Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Okay my teacher won’t like thag

I find this one quite funny as a, “Poe’s law kicked in, so I have to kick common sense back in” kind of thing.

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This was your status for a while, iirc.

My god

I’m doing it

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my favorite poem is “The Second Coming” by Yeats but if you’re allowing songs i could name like 50 weezer song lyrics I like more

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hi marissa

hi bestie. not quite sure who u r but i love you all the same

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Has anyone here actually used Skillshare?

the peoples champ


songs are just poems with a beat

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the greatest to ever do it

why? every single online class thing is a massive scam

masterclass/skillshare/etc all suck and give u the same stuff u can find on yt for free lol


if you want to use skillshare i suggest just like buying adderall from your buddy keith and surfing the net you will get ten times the results twice as fast. thats like. 20 results

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she skill on my share till i learn

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marissa just let me know when you know i refuse to outright say it but also dont want to hand it to you because i like silently judging you


