Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

AND at worst u can just take it again

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i thought u had but since u were talking about taking it again i assumed thst mustve been like a practice one

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nah both of them were real

this one was paid for by the school tho
and it couldnā€™t really hurt

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though apparently some schools donā€™t accept you if you send them more than 3 scores (???)

i, however, have taken it twice

havenā€™t taken one of those standardized tests since 7th grade. the official school one got cancelled by covid and i never bothered to actually take another



yeah the education world is weird man

Yeah dont do more then 3 unless you did really bad on all 3 of them. Its for superscore reasons btw


Most like community ones yea, not most unis tho

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They were test optional during covid and jt was then reverted

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All the places i applied to were test optional, and all the places i was looking at but didnt were test optional. Could be diff for the coming years but thats hoe it was this yesr


Oh optional. I thought you meant test blind.

Optional is completely different yea

If you donā€™t submit a test score tho they will assume you bombed it, that is what optional means

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About as optional as the optional essays are (they really arenā€™t optional unless your really cracked at something)

You the next Einstein? Its optional ye

massive skill issue

Optional essays are a bit different since most schools do actually not really hols test scores as an important thing since bc of various reasons but the essays are just an effort thing that you can choose to put in or not

I applied to a place and didnt do the essay and still got in so they def do mean optional even if its reccomended

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