Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

naw 100%, apply as much as you can, shotgun approach works wonders

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Yeah they fucking robbed me, and then they didnt let me get my money back either

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So like make sure that you know their policies cus :sob:

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Thatā€™s gotta be like fraud right

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I mean if u have the time and ability to do so, then do it. But if u dont i think its better to work on making sure ur essays to the schools u actually want to go to are as good as possible so thst u can increase ur chances a ton


Here is the thing tho, even if you write the most god tier essay on the planet, you at most buff your chances from 5% to 10%

It felt like it, but its technically not

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Since my ā€œfinancial needā€ would decrease after getting discount via scholarship, they can retroactively reduce how much aid money you get due to their conditions

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Robbery wooo

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Also with like examinations like SAT/ACT, there is like a line where if you are over it, it doesnt matter, and if your under it, your odds get 10x reduced to get in


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For the best unis, its about 1450-1520 to be above the line

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but yea 1550 vs 1600 means fuck all dont waste time going for a perfect score

There is no element of deception.


Same thing with GPA, if your in the top 5% of your graduating class, it doesnt matter if your 1st or 20th

Damn ok

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may mid

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Oh yea also btw, financial aid reduces every year, since the further along education you are, the more likely you will need to stay to finish and get diploma

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it drops off a lot, so dont expect freshman year aid to hold up

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how does @May respond to these allegations