Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

it’s honestly kind of wild how many people we successfully recruited with the Pokémon 9er who are still here years later


No no. Funnily it was DatBird’s final game when I first joined.

It was king of the hill or something, I was town arsonist.

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I’ve experienced first hand the emotional intensity of the zirbo

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it was a really really fun game tbf


Trans woman wanting to die in a gang shootout? Sounds an awful lot like a @Wazza endeavour if you have to ask me.



wazza would be stabbed by a knoife m8


Isn’t she an owl? She would be bird flew’ed

4 horsemen of the apocalypse

It was wind’s and appel’s first games aswell. Though they didn’t stick around from what I can tell

I have notes from my first game in Google Docs somewhere

And a bunch of notes from later games in my notebooks

This was D2

Or maybe D3 but there was a noexe D1

Oh Sunbeams were also 3P (famously) so I didn’t have town in my lockevilw

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Oh the Worms were also evil so not as good as it looks

how did we live so long

glood and levil

Because you killed us before we oculd reveal our redcheck on you

This was my hydra’s collective readlist

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