Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i don’t have notes from my first game but all you need to know is that i objectively played bad and was still among the 3 nominees for best town

Yes we had the Worms twice

note that town’s objective best player was not among the 3 nominees, and the eventual winner was the town vigilante who shot one (1) mafia on the orders of said objective best player

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They pressed the button I guess

People mostly ignored that we were good at game because one of our members was mean

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the next game one of the mafia members from that game was sk and was so scared of my play that game (i still don’t know why) and killed me night 0. i was the role designed to hardcounter the sk

And like he was a dick but he’s not my trained dog that’s not my responsibility. I tried to talk him down repeatedly he just didn’t listen

If you think it was frustrating to watch then imagine how I feel being the guy his behaviour reflects poorly on

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i cannot emphasize enough that we voted out this player’s monkey for mechanical purposes. my first game was fucking insane

yeah this sucks lol

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In front kf 40,000 people

has to be the most spectated mafia game of all time

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It’s so jover

I mean not everyone was watching the mafia game, it was the Blaseball Discord server, some people were just there to blase balls, but it was definitely multiple orders of magnitude more than any other game I’ve ever played

my first game was this really weird witch hunt adjacent mechanics game that had a soup style anticlaim (if you anticlaim someone successfully you can kill again, and this process begins automatically when the last wolf dies allowing them to win by anticlaiming the entire village even despite all of them being dead). We yeeted a wolf day 1, another was shot by a vigi, and I red checked the last wolf. I started the day by claiming the red check which was probably mechanically correct, and I was widely townread so it was believed. The downside is, the mechanically correct thing to do, that everyone acknowledged, was to literally not say another word other than vote the red checked wolf. This was day 2 of a 72/24 that didn’t have majority enabled. The host enabled majority 4 hours later due to a unanimous wolf vote lol.


the only reason my first game was even somewhat balanced is because, instead of there, say, being a mechanic where the cult can’t recruit mafia and they suicide instead, the recruited mafia suicided the cult themselves due to a petty dispute from a previous game

mafia still absolutely cleared but that was town being bad

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I got 10^-12 extra points on my exam for art

when your final grade’s an 89.999999999999 you can bring this up as an appeal


i love this so much im 2-0 so far in friendly matches :sob:

not my deck i netdecked it but its not even meta. no counterspells. civilized honorable magic. the deck name is soooo cool. blue steel. like that jus sound so cool. blue robots. ugh. i love ittt