Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

You said you thought Silviu would be the last and I answered negative.

Or perhaps it’s an inside joke I’m not in on :man_shrugging: .

thats a magpie
they might. it remembers like anything does. if you especially piss it off it won’t forget it
if you walk on by probably not
i befriended a crow one time. also a raven on a seperate occasion. i say befriended we just kinda hanged. next to each other. staring longingly

yes thats correct

Ah I wasn’t sure which type of bird. I see black bird and that is a sign it’s a Magpie, Raven, Crow etc.

it has black and white feathers. medium size (at least for what i see often), white underneath in particular
slight blueish tint. shiny guys they are

And it will teach the next generation of magpies who/what they’re supposed to hate.

theyre really big hoppers. like some birds youll see walk and only hop when needing to go fast but they only hop. only ones like that for garden birds that size, at least where im at

Even better is a 4 day long weekend.

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Too late you already mentioned it.

Perhaps they brought knives for cooking classes.

oh we had a knife guy on campus a few days ago


usually cooking classes provide the knives

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campus police sent out a warning when one of their jackets got stolen. but not for knife guy!


I still remember the cooking classes in school. It was before some of you were born.

What happened to knife guy?

no one knows except he left campus

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it’s only just occurred to me that people wear watches on their non-dominant hand

why is that

i’m functionally ambidextrous but i prefer using my left hand and i always wear it on my left hand

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Escorted out of campus?

may he (apocryphally) stab trees and not people wherever he goes next