Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

no he just left

do you think the campus police care?

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Probably not.

Cookie Here.

Makes your hand heavier

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So if you wear it on dominant hand, its slightly more uncomfortable to write

i was gunna make this joke but decided against it


and like if you want to check the time, you need to like lift that hand, which doing with dominant hand means you cant write or something while checking time

fuck i forgot about the cookie

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That makes a surprising amount of sense.

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Not sure but it might have to do with how things tend to be built for right handers. Like a watch on your right wrist might lead to it getting in the way because of right hand favored design of like everything


why does that sound political lmao

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Watches cut circulation to my hand so I prefer having it on the hand I Don’t use

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Also don’t like the strap to oress against the table when I write

This might be a May poor circulation + tiny wrists problem

wait why is your watch so tight wtf

Just like remove/add links to it

I have very poor circulation, if it’s not actively moving around then it cuts off circulation

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I also have really small wrists which I think makes it more difficult to not cut off circulation? Not a lot there but bones and blood vessels

what do you mean like, if you have a watch on for 10 minutes, your hand goes blue?