Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

awwwwh pat pat

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When I came out as trans I heard more than once “ah okay that’s what it is. We just figured you were gay.” I got flashbacks to my dad telling me, more than once, that if I was gay I could tell him and he wouldn’t care. Fuckers knew I was a fruitcake and just couldn’t figure out what flavor


i think if i told myparents my flavor of gender they would probably be like “what” im not sure if they’d understand lmao


My mom did give me a speech about not letting Boys exploit me but once when mentioning a hypothetical romantic interest she went “he- or they” so I don’t know if she has any clue.

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have i told you about the time a summer camp counselor came to my room right before lights out and asked me “dude are you trans” and a bunch of like it’s-safe-to-be-out-here stuff

one of the weirder moments in my gender journey


I never told her I was dating my high school girlfriend cause she had homophobic parents and I don’t trust my mom to Not slip it


No and with just alone I don’t know where this falls on the sweet to weird spectrum

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i like the idea of having a girlfriend but theres been so few cases i felt attraction to anyone and at those times too i was offput by things. i felt peer pressured more than anything. and family pressured, feel like i have expectations that i should have a girlfriend. if those didnt exist id probably not bother at all, maybe, i dunno


ata the start of uni orientation the students who were mostly leading it were like “ok everyone time to go around the circle and say our names and pronouns”

and then like almost no one said their pronouns and I was like “well ok I’m not going to out myself then” and followed suit in only saying my name

…I found out MONTHS later that the entire reason they did this exercise was because they were kinda reading me as trans and wanted to know, specifically, what my pronouns were



well the context is just that it has only been a day or two and a lot of staff had been she/her’ing me and i hadn’t been correcting any of them, which they realized when they discussed me

but i think that was probably just me being autistic more than anything

I do not know why they didn’t simply have someone go up to me and say “hey Arete what pronouns do you use”


i disdained being repeatedly asked in highschool “is there any girl? :3” by family like repeatedly asking me if i have a girlfriend. my grandma started asking for grandsons since i was 21-22. like piss off granny


Okay in their defense, it can be taken the wrong way if you’re the only person they ask. Like “hey Arete, you’re looking pretty clocky today…”


they were sure i was gay. and i mean, yeah, but not for guys

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The classic right for the wrong reasons

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to be fair. again. have a framed picture of oikawa in my closet. cant blame them

you do not LMAO

who is oikawa

are they hot

if the oikawa shrine is real I must see a picture of it. at the very least I must know what picture of oikawa it is