Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

who could’ve guessed i’m a nerd


are you a derivative, bc im e^x and you can make me go off on a lot of tangents about the same thing

no contest is a smash term its when you do that thing where youre on your last stock and you get thrown off the stage and def arent gonna make it but you quit out and go “guess we’ll never know who wouldve won”


are you a derivative, bc i’m ln|sec x| + C and you can make go off on a lot of tangents

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you cant just steal my joke then do it better thats fucked up

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are you a solution to the homogeneous heat equation given an initial condition? because wow you have a lot of errors

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This made me cough laugh severely

Bottom line
Thank you

Who up divorcing they may

so it begins


same as it ever was



The entire dating and asking out conversation was so funny

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I have a classmate that had like over 10 girlfriends during its course of thrir dating life

Their current love is still lasting for a year since its inception

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No one has ever actually asked me out (formally)
I think?
I’ve had a girlfriend but idr the circumstances that came about in

Eliza can I ask you out to eat some cone ice cream :ice_cream: :pleading_face:

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I appreciate the ice cream but not the romance

who up psyching they eliza


Ra ra romama

Ba ba ulala

Bad romance

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what the hell does this mean