Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i believe the last game i played was me trying to explain to the two other Blue Dragon members that the other two players were mechanically outed and the game was solved. i did this twice, and then the Unseen went “trust me bro”. I just couldn’t go back

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Okay once i played AA in like


And someone claimed parity cop and were just. Believed

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you were playing tos1 aa they were playing tos2 aa

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I step away for half an hour to get beaten up by a DDR machine, and the cookie’s gone.

ddr machine is ash father

also i’m still unreasonably amused by the “YOU GAVE THEM OUR FUCKING NUMMBERS” copypasta

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i refuse to believe this is real people can’t be that dumb

Terms of Service forums was like. my first time in a community. there was no me before Terms of Service forums. my expectations of like. people were formed by that. That was bad


ngl I fully believe setups can be balanced around players not having enough time to properly think through the mechanics. the all-stars setup was really, really good on video Unseen, but both times we tried it on forums with non-turbo phase lengths it was a fucking slaughter. the Unseen team was outed on day 2 i think both times.

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See i distinctly remember not long before tos2 was revealed a person suggesting literally Seer to the tos1 benevolent dictator, i called it a bad idea because it gets so much info

And then bmg posted it

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i genuinely don’t think i’ve ever seen someone express a deeper rage over less

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one of the most recent times i played aa i was arso and f3 was arso surv vamp. surv sided with the vamp because, and i quote, “vamps wins are so rare.” i don’t think it’s possible to describe the fury i felt in this moment

good thing there aren’t any people irl you can learn from

hey mist do you want to hydra we can go :3c uwu

one time in ToL I outed as evil to get a neut that would predictably lose unless they sided with evils to side with us, and they were like “haha oopsie! :3 you no I’m siding with Blue Dragon”

and then, having already hardclaimed to be my specific evil role, I convinced a Good-aligned player to side with me


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yeah i mean my take on this is that you can balance around gamelengths but you’ve still got to respect the intelligence of your playerbase


you say that like i haven’t literally asked you about that before

kat we should hydra again

note that the surv spent an entire no exe day and half of the next day to decide this

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