Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

@orangeandblack5 @Chloe

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Holy shit it’s orangeandblack5 from orangeandblack5

i wish there was a centralized internet … council or such, for cleaning up the mess around googling stuff. there is arguably already one, automatic, just google itself. but like. every time i wanna google something. the first few results are almost always shit. quora is just so embarassing its not even funny its just sad. why are the opinions of some people from quora suggested to me when i want answers backed up by research or such. a lot of article sites read like they were written by AI. one time i was curious about that french dish that eats raw meat. steak tartare. i googled “is steak tartare safe?”. its raw after all. i read the article suggested to me as top result. it claimed “ordering raw meat at a restaurant carries the risk of food poisoning, but that risk makes the food all the more enjoyable”. like what. are u stupid


no they were cooking. or not cooking im not sure

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Guess i’ll do this in the meantime

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Mfw eating steak tartare is a risk reward


YOURE straight?


awwwww just slightly too late

aw man

So, the answer is that it depends, but if the meat comes from a high quality source, odds are you’re fine, but your risk is still orders of magnitude higher than if you cooked it to well-done. This is like a universal thing when it comes to food safety. Where did the ingredient come from? How was it stored, cleaned, and prepared? These all affect the order of magnitude of risk. Is that pizza in the box you left on the counter for 2 hours safe to eat? The answer is it’s impossible to say anything more than your risk has increased a few orders of magnitudes from the moment you put it on the counter.



do u want riza back btw

cookie thread im angsty help

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Yeah pls

have you considered writing terrible fanfiction

frowny face

too angsty

still get to hold onto this one


i bet a lot of societal debates would be resolved if we all had access to information backed up by research, and that information was easily searchable. when the internet is filled to the brim with opinion articles masquerading as research it muddies the water. additionaly people can be lazy and not cite the sources for their claims, or not check the sources of their claims, they just read opinion articles and take them as truth. so they go and make arguments using that as ammo. that creates an additional mess on a whole new level. its a double-layered mess. i hate it. i hate when there’s no structure and order. (for important things)


the information age is over

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