Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


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i agree. i personally attribute lazyness as the biggest thing. or close mindedness. which is somewhere in the middle between lazyness and bad faith. you can be close minded out of bad faith but also out of sheer lazyness, i think. opening your mind does require mental effort i think

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Hey guys someone on our glorious homesite, Fortress of Lies is my alt but Iā€™m not saying who


hey guys

people who are wrong maybe. if itā€™s a for-profit company I would assume itā€™s intentional. there are so many everyday examples of stuff in ads that are just like engineered to mislead consumers into getting the wrong impression. We had to read the book How to Lie with Statistics that was just example after example of anyone with enough of a motivation to convince people would be misleading with data in increasingly creative and hard to notice ways


knowers know


Iā€™m always knowing this

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yeah I mean if itā€™s corporate fair enough lol

This was my gender studies class for me tbh

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Made me start viewing the world from different lens

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i would genuinely love to know more

did they substitute geography for ā€œcritical thinkingā€ and ā€œgender studiesā€ classes in the US or something


I have to drive rn to hit the store and head home but can talk about it when im back

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Is their like to post ratio better or worse than your main

hell yeah

unironically yes


What is this supposed to mean?

we are in towncore

as in, we are widely trusted to be aligned with the uninformed majority

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Ftrgrey that was real chupie not orange pretending to be chupie
He would never take a gender studies xlass