Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

this is less informative than you might think

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going to be vague before i accidentally start another overly intense discussion, but i talked to a bunch of people about beliefs they held (that I regrettably held at the same time and this belief isnā€™t bad just one iā€™m personally embarrassed now to have ever held), and i asked them what i thought were pretty basic questions about different positions they held. reader, when i said they caved on their position everytime to every one of my questions, i mean they it was an extremely brief time between the ask and them going ā€œah yeah i guess it makes sense in that instanceā€. It was a moment that sort of haunted me, and it set me on a path to realizing those beliefs and the positions that extend from them were just unbelievably fucking stupid. literally every single one had flaws that I, someone on their side, came up identified quickly, and i guess it had just never occurred to them to think it through even a little fucking bit.


notblackorwhite once thought one of every pokemon could beat a billion lions

may you do know youve told me about this account right

whether or not you want to pretend my guesses didnt count is up to you tho

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oh i was gonna pretend @Delta was your alt

Oh goddamnit

how could they not think about ditto? the best thing it can do is become one lion like how the frick was it ever supposed to beat a billion of the mfers it just copied

ok so youā€™re obviously free to have your privacy and not tell us what it is but the way you phrased this makes me Really curious :joy_cat:

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Hazard is pretty close to may anyway

i once saw someone say pokemon is turn-based and somehow twist that into an argument in support of the pokemon

next level cognitive dissonance

Gardevoir can canonically* create black holes which seems strictly enough to defeat the lions

and also most of the PokƩmon but maybe the spacetime ones would be ok?

* for the purposes of this argument Iā€™m pretending to believe in the PokĆ©dex

if you believe in the pokedex magcargo solos literally every other pokemon and the lions all at once

but the pokedex is bullshit

being mormon

this is the obvious answer

how to phrase this. it wasnā€™t *ist or *phobic beliefs it was a *ian belief and literally every major absolutist policy position these people held was 1) easily defeated into them agreeing that absolutist position was dumb and bad 2) and you could easily follow from there that the problems that arise from these policy positions had nothing to do with what the policies were trying to do, but that they were often implemented in a foolish way which caused the dumb things, but also the dumbs things were not worse than the downsides of not having said policies in place at all. yeah i agree that [redacted] is unbelievably fucking stupid, but i got you to concede 10 seconds ago that without them there would be nothing to stop someone indirectly killing children en masse.


How are yaā€™ll almost at cookie again?

i really hope no other mormons join the site because I want to be actually open about this and it is Hard when thereā€™s someone there who will probably judge me for it