Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

sleepy chupie soooo much social interaction need some alone time to recharge battery :blush: :heart:

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Yeah absolutely
I wanna talk about it just donā€™t have the brainpower


I feel like the Venn diagram of monarchists and people who donā€™t understand Starship Troopers is a circle


If thats what you call staring at test tubes all day yes i do a lot of social interaction


well you were talking to Gray


damn aret beat me to it heheh

oh i forgot you used to be [REDACTED] just like me :blush:


no kat ur still stupid


I do feel like my complete and utter confidence in myself is maybe excessive at time. But Iā€™m too confident in myself to ever genuinely internalise that idea

Iā€™m still me

I donā€™t really get embarrassed anymoreā€¦ about pretty much anythingā€¦ I still feel some reflexive social embarrassment about like forgetting somebodyā€™s name or going for a handshake incorrectly or whatever but it dissipates immediately when I think about it because I actually donā€™t care and conceive of it as an endearing character traitā€¦

This is maybe a problem at some point

may i think you might be autistic


No Iā€™m not.

In seriousness I think not feeling embarrassment is pretty normal autistic but what is always of interest to me is that I used toā€¦ I used to perform so much embarrassment and self deprecation and ohhh what if Iā€™m a bad person and then I simply chose to stop and I did. Itā€™s novel to me. Itā€™s so much fun

Iā€™m gonna eat an Andes mint I kept in the freezer

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Nothing revolutionary mostly just cold

The other interesting thing is that it means that I know most people will think less of me than I think of myself? Like if they have any critique. Even very mild annoyance. Thatā€™s a thing thatā€™s comforting about thinking less of yourself: other people will talk your self-esteem ā€œupā€ more than they will it ā€œdownā€. If I have so much confidence in myself, near every disagreement on How Good May Is will result in me being on the +May side. Which gets awkward, especially if most people around you perform self-deprecation, as was true when I was a kid, because it feels like that itself causes people disdain. I donā€™t know what made me stop caring about this? I think this pressure was a large part of what made me act like I disliked myself at all in hte first place

Never feel bad for not being self-deprecating.



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