Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

9??? Nine??? This was a member of the minority informed faction with 9 BPVs? And a bodyguard?

“But didn’t you make an IC, Godfather, unkillable, unyeetable Unseen?”

Yes but at least the game was explicitly bastard and it white flagged. And I knew it was a bad idea but, again, explicitly bastard game. My mistake was not realizing it would lead to The Horrors quite like it did.


Inquisitor with 1 Unseen/Cult Heretic and 2 Blue Dragon Heretics.

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as a piece of advice, the vast majority of players do not want to play games that, with no way for them to have seen it coming, wildly alter the mechanics in game-defining ways. things like

  • no evils
  • evil majority
  • wincon reversal
  • etc.

all introduce substantial alternate dynamics to the game. this can sometimes be tolerable in Clocktower, where you know in advance what roles are on the script. it can occasionally work in Unseen games where everyone knows in advance what’s going to happen – for example in 1984 FM, where “the game might be all Blue Dragon” was explicitly part of the information that people were given when they signed up.

if you host what appears to be a normal few-hundred-player mash, while secretly making it all Blue Dragon, that’s not going to be a fun joke that people enjoy. it’ll just suck.

when you’re designing setups, your ultimate goal has to be for people to have a fun game. yes, sometimes people won’t enjoy themselves – but the point is not to get one over on your players, or to showcase your “creativity” in secretly fucking people over in ways they couldn’t have seen coming, the point is to have fun.



cats have 9 lives, so,


9 lives seems like it should have 8 bpvs


I’m glad I wasn’t the one to say it.


it might’ve been 8, I don’t remember for sure, but I don’t think it really makes a difference from the PoV of “is this a fun and balanced setup?”

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what did tutuu mean by this

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i searched “nerd beaver” but there was no beaver with glasses so i settled on only “beaver”


the commonality between these two roles isnt that nobody liked them, its that my name was on them both


this is because i liked the BM5 one :slight_smile:

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I’d make a point of telling people in signup threads that such mechanics might exist if they are possible.

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that’s like telling people godfathers might exist

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Literally anyone but you has that role on the Unseen team and I think it’s fine. If we announced that you couldn’t be voted for at the beginning of the game, I think it’s also fine. Fine as in extremely fucked but people aren’t going to be (as) traumatized by.


no one will believe you

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I love Blue Dragon of salem 2


ok angela

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rec jinx just killed their teammate n1