when i was playing gen 3 i referred to my cyndaquil as “the little gay” in a discord server while talking abt it and someone was MAD. why are you giving the animal sexuality. the BABY animal. disgusting. Sorry champ but cyndaquil is owned by the left now
Nya nya nya nya nya
i genuinely cannot tell if this is a bit or not
my favorite pokemon are funny to you?
why are you so mean to me? ;-;
my favourite pokemon are stall, homophobic, or are on the edge of being banned from multiple gens
my pokemon dont know sexuality unlike yours
ferrothorn is VERY familiar with sexuality i saw it in his podcast
which are the homophobic ones? are they blaziken scizor akalazam?
i was specifically referring to ferrothorn you have a fascinating amount of lesbian pokemon
jolteon identifies as super straight
perhaps this is my inner repressed lesbian speaking out
Well 16.75k is average for my age
And it’s weird to me that just one ear would have been damaged by something
But even so 16k is still not problematic, just slightly below average
real ones get tinnitus
me having to hide anything that makes noise from orangeandblack5 (he is an audophile)
currently listening to a livestream dusk review after pre-ordering