Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

it’s been so long since they shut down fm do you think they’d even remember they did it

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i normally wouldn’t condone breaking the rules on other sites but i gotta say its tempting

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site rule change

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we need to send the most magical-girl coded person to do it


when someone trash talks fol:


no your joke FAILED because its homophobic not misogynistic!!!

you have lost 5 joycats


DON’T take time to gather your thoughts, respect others’ opinions, or post thoughtful content. The forums should be used for real-time, back and forth, instant messaging style conversations whenever possible. This includes fast-paced game threads that are not related to FIRST Robotics or robotics in general. Games that post at a pace that moderators or non-players can not follow along are permitted. Games where the Discourse-estimated reading time grows by more than 15 minutes per day are not likely to run afoul of this rule.


ngl I feel like the Discourse team would actually write something like this

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You didn’t even play that game.

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where does thenewkid rank all time

greatest to ever do it

.aybe goes hard. some people just exude raw power in a way thats completely unreplicable

To play on Dark Lord Potter you have to use proper grammar and syntax and spelling as much as possible because there are people who check new posts on the forum, and report ones that don’t do that. It’s so funny how seriously they take themselves on Dark Lord Potter.


my favorite part of the mafia ban thing was when random Chief Delphi people decided to wax poetic about how clearly we mafia players were just ~fundamentally different~ and ~didn’t understand the core values of FIRST~ or whatever

like friendos I did FIRST programs for eight years! there is not some Magical Essence Of FIRST that you have and I do not


oh is that why everyone from DLP is a nerd

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This, on the other hand, is absolutely terrifying. I’m perfectly capable of using correct grammar and spelling if I choose to do so, but I’d constantly be worried about slipping up and getting Dark Lord Potter’s mafia community in trouble.


if i typed in proper speak chloe would get mad at me so pretend i did

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Wait but why

And somehow DLP has produced some of the best Mafia players I’ve ever seen. Newcomb and Voxx are both so bizarrely good at what they’re good at. There are like 3 others from DLP whose names I can’t remember and feel bad but they’re also extremely solid. Westeros was another one that Whiskeyjack and the other guy whose named I’m annoyed I can’t remember came from, but were both also extremely good. Whiskeyjack remains the only villager that absolutely destroyed me as a wolf. Actually shaking in my boots in wolf chat going “team please help me survive today so we can kill this dude I’m so fucked”.

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