Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

It’s primarily a fan fiction forum and they have minimum writing standards.

the obvious conclusion here is that writing slightly edgy Harry Potter fanfic makes you better at mafia,

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Oh that makes sense okay

(Is still confused)

Like i get it but at tbe same time

dlp discussion reminded me eliezer yudkowsky exists

arete’s favorite person :blush:

their rules page is titled, I am not making this up, “Morons Need Not Apply”

my understanding (which could be wrong) is that many of the early members/staff really wanted to ensure there was some Minimum Bar Of Quality, and one of their strategies for doing so was being a hard-ass about making sure that people were more-or-less following standard English conventions


fuck you >:(


didnt marissa like literally win FIRST champs or some shit

yes but not until later so she couldn’t bring it up at the time

she should go be petty and bring it up now

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I swear this reminds me of a conversation ive had with Priestess

I know you’re making a joke here, but I think Voxxicus is one of the best players to ever do it, and he spent weeks reading over old games with Newcomb, whose brain is clearly wired in the right ways, in some “how to be a good villager” bootcamp, and then just became a villaging monster. Cphoya is someone I never played with, but watched play a lot of video mafia. Like dozens and dozens of games, and he never lost as mafia. Cphoya is also the author of perhaps the greatest mafia copypasta of all time. A man of many talents.

Cuth is one idr the others
And cuth is VERY good at mafia

One is a girl that I first saw in video mafia, and I’m so mad I cannot remember her name.

you might be remembering her being obnoxious about how forumers weren’t living up to ToL values, or you might be remembering her being ~self-righteous about Chief Delphi banning mafia, but it could be either really


You can’t just say that and then not drop it.


I’m pretty sure it was the former i do not remember her talking about chief delphi

there’s like a 0% chance you haven’t already seen it and just didn’t know who wrote it



one of our games died and the other is still going



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