Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

alright FoL

I’m in Indianapolis for the eclipse

I have booked an Airbnb from tonight to the 9th

The instructions on the listing say to use the key in the lockbox on the security door to get inside. There does not appear to be a lockbox (there are two doors neither of which has a lockbox), nor are there any keys in obvious places. (I did find a key lying on the ground but it didn’t work. I’m not sure if it was supposed to or if someone just lost their key.)

I have texted + attempted to call the host to ask how to get inside, and so far he hasn’t responded

I’m confident that this is the right house/not some weird address mix up – I can see inside and it’s the same furniture as in the listing

at what point do I escalate this to Airbnb? I don’t want to be a dick to the host but I do want to have somewhere to sleep that isn’t a porch :joy_cat:

additional information of relevance: I have a friend who’s getting in on a flight in an hour or so and would definitely prefer not to fuck her over


most of the time it’s somewhere around 2 minutes on average

if I’m off-peak hours it’s probably around 5 minutes on average

occasionally I do get the 10 minute queue but luckily that’s pretty rare unless I’m in a trio (since the game will literally refuse to put a trio against anything less than a duo)

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break in



what is a security door


All I know is what the listing said. There are two doors that don’t look substantially different except that the back door has a camera.


that’s the security door

I don’t know how to pick locks and I don’t want to smash the window


is it maybe inside the outer layer of one of the doors

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im really sorry


yeah fuck indiana

Both doors are locked right? This isn’t a situation where the security door is on the inside or anything

all my homies hate indiana

especially @sulit

The outer layers of both doors are locked

I guess it could still be in that outer layer but in that case I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do


Both doors are locked

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And they’re definitely locked and not just jammed?

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No alternate entrances? You’re at the right door?

I stayed in indie for a few days years ago. I don’t think we did shit other than see a movie. Sucked.

well I guess the temporary move is go to get ur airport friend and wait to see if the host gets back with you

idk what contacting airbnb would really do

could ask a neighbor if they know

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