Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

you know the sequel to undertale yellow is actually more popular than the original, funny enough. costs money though :/



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Literally what a line

Which type of anti-monarchist do you think Ceroba is? Do you think her political ideals for the Underground’s governmental leadership would be mostly flavoured Robespierreian, Jeffersonian, Bonaparteian, Kerenskist, Marxist, Bolshevieki, Luxembourgist, or Mahknist?


Here we go again

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she’s pro monarchy but only if chujin has absolute power

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I don’t think anyone here could beat your answers.

i cannot understate just how badly starlo FUMBLED ceroba. because if they were together you KNOW ceroba would be justifying literally every bad decision starlo makes

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Slay the Princess is a very good game and you should play it BTW (not watch a playthrough)

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it has disco elysium dialogue tree and disco elysium skill talking so im obligated to agree


Oh dratz, now I will have decision paralysis

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I’m going to watch a disco elysium playthrough instead to find myself at peace

that being said i guess chujin’s racism won over ceroba in the end

Whoa, it got political

Good luck learning paradise!

actually i guess we don’t know how racist chujin was before the snowdin incident, which happened after kanako was born. much to think about

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Question of the day, how much of a racist was Chujin. Somebody should make a video essay on this

if ceroba married starlo her canon event would instead be when her kid says “mommy mommy i want a gun” and she doesn’t say no for whatever fucking reason


what if starlo makes good decisions in his life

what then

Benguin :sob: :sob: :sob: