Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

if you’re talking about outertale there isn’t an asgore fight in any of the myriad routes (okay there technically is one but it doesn’t really count given that it’s just you one shotting him) so his battle capabilities are entirely an unknown. would probably be a true pacifist-esque ending where they just go in the simulation and not much deviates from the normal game (postgame simulation hell nonwithstanding)

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the yellow soul canonically isn’t clover in outertale though so.

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i guess they could still be named clover but they look different

you see things differently through other characters eyes!

It’s a different creative derivation of the same source material. Kindness references the (cancelled?) Undertale Green project so… technically, it is and isn’t.

…why does clover attack with the empty gun instead of loading the gunpowder in they have in their inventory

they need the gunpowder for the final boss

on neutral though they have no excuse, that shit’s cheap

the final boss of neutral.

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well it’s not like clover knows the final boss of neutral is itemless

I guess they don’t know how to.

what does humanity have to think about clover jumping in to avenge the fallen humans with nothing more than a toy gun, some rubber bullets, a missing poster, and a dream.

and especially what does humanity have to think on the geno timeline where clover actually succeeds

But yeah, regarding my UTY flawed Pacifist rant, Clover should realistically win against Asgore and the story does a terrible of depicting why they don’t.

Just have Asgore convince Clover that freeing the human souls and killing him would effectively just doom both, talk Clover down and mollify them as a parallel to the real Pacifist route. Both endings should be comparable, honestly.

I would presume Monsterkind has been forgotten as some sort of half-dream, or else there would be way more than eight humans to ever fall down. If Clover succeeds, they go back home and become Batman.

out of bullets :(


counterpoint: clover does significantly less damage than frisk and it already takes frisk like 30 hits to actually kill asgore.

it would be better if it actually, say, showed clover fighting back, which they totally could. but i guess that’s hard to implement without people finding a way to cheese it

more fall down they just die

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But but Clover had nine types of ammunition!

asgore can’t take 54 shots. really.

Human souls canonically supersede death, and Toriel checks the entrance regularly.