Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

problem is it’s orbbaly max power of a human soul

not to mention, are the monsters a reliable narrator? humans don’t even remember the monsters

Apparently not a single human died during the war.

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so determination is monster kid. gotcha.

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You’re misrepresenting it!!!

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go to the librarby or whatever
the amount of damage someone can inflict to a monster is magnified by their desire to harm

yeah probably just cause of resets?

an actual soldier in a war would completely fucking obliterate like 99% of the monsters that could appear in front of them

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that is of course because flowey fought on the side of the humans.

I know this. While it’s true that Monsters would have been on the defensive, it still kinda sucks for their reputation.
Not a single soul. If Asriel could destroy an entire village, that means none of the Monsters could have possibly fought back and won.

I think it’s ridiculous that monsters couldn’t have laid one physical trap that could have killed a human

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have you seen them lay traps
they’re not very good at it


it couldve been a 7 hour war deal

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They tried to do an invisible maze trap on a solider

I think that’s what it seemed like, yeah. Maybe there were rising tensions but it seemed quick, sorta.

do you think the soldier’s just gonna hold on to the electric orb


that’s tbe hoke

“You have thirty seconds to solve the Tile Puzzle before your entire platoon is incinerated.”

soldiers have experience with minefields!

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