Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

no right to council, no voting, no ability to move

and you claim this is good enough!

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I’m not endorsing the status quo come on chill it’s just a quote…. Come on it’s just a quote it’s ok to quote do we have to bring POLITICS into eveeything

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also i actually seeked out all the lore when i played the game so that helps

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don’t worry cats!!

i’ll take care of this issue!

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Cats political


i dont understand the buzz around animals

a lot of them are just kinda scary

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Do you think a cat civilisation would fall apart because every feline would be so narcissistic to believe themselves a paragon of virtue, and therefore nobody else would be fit to led them?

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i am not a dog fan and cats can be scary at points too

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especially when theyre just. sitting there.

Youtube could take notes

animals tend to be receptive to the person who feeds them

When I was saving that cat picture to send my phone asked me if I wanted to share it in

And I was briefly very confused before remembering that’s what the vent channel in my server with my friends is called.

also funny enough dogs actually become less intimidating the larger they are

those big hounds are terrifying regardless of whether or not the beast approaches you

…guard dogs.

Why are you weird?

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i owned a purebred great dane i think i’d know when i say they’re not that bad

Would you like to know what the server is called?

big dogs recognize they’re big and therefore prove to be gentler