Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Nobody’s gonna let that go huh

it was less than 20 hours ago of course not

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where the fuck am i

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do you want a related radiohead song with your shitpost sir

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what i had with your mom last night

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What I miss

Never make the month of May angry

I jokingly said I was wintrading with pandora in Music League because we like similar songs and keep giving each other max votes


may made pacts with pandora to maxvote eachothers songs and uh destroyed the sanctity and purity of music league



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My friend has made an excellent post on Discord that doxes her so I can’t send it to anybody or reblog it on Tumblr. I will describe it here.

The text of the post is “went on a shopping spree on daddy disney’s dime”. Attached are two images, one of a forty-five cent dividend from one share in the Walt Disney Company, and one of a single Apple & Eve wildberry flavour fruit strip.


Simply have more Disney stock.

i got randomly pinged today in a discord server


did you act really detested and leave

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She bought the fruit strip just fine? Why would she need more

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More fruit strips.

i was actively trying to friend someone on discord at the time so I said “oh, my phone just rumbled that must be the friend request” and i opened my phone and saw that
i also didn’t have much service on my phone so I couldn’t respond besides “???”


i haven’t talked there in like months

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