Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Favor is just the name

You do not have to do anything for the person you give it to

are you saying there’s two seperate favour types

these favours and actual favours

i’m currently asking if making a demand of somebody costs a mechanical favour, which you get by winning events, writing good letters, or having another player grant you one

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i wrote favour instead of demand

thats my fault

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willow is bullying the hungry

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could you answer the question then

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One sec I need to drive home

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…i’m just going to make up letter limits.

you can decide what’s what later

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the letter writing phase explicitly doesnt allow whispers so i’m not going to delete that

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same for rumours phase

dunno what you wanna do about that but im stating its as is for now

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i dunno what to call it and ran out of energy to make unique changes a bit way through

but here

…i assumed the name off of the description. change it if you desire.

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(or flavour blurb here. or both. or an image. i copied this formatting from kotc)

This is a ROLEPLAY game, designed to be ran for 12 days.

(flavour blurb)

Game Structure and Character Creation

  • This game will have three seperate phases. The Letter Writing Stage (48h), Festivities Phase (72h), and Rumours Phase (24h). They will be repeated twice, and then the game will be over.
  • Each player will be able to create a character, and, optionally, decide their desire. The desire doesn’t have much mechanical effect, but you can choose to follow it for roleplaying why you are on the council and to give yourself a direction.
  • Each player starts by choosing their character’s archetype, with the full list below. You may also design your own character archetype. Archetypes are how society (and likely, other players, see you.) They don’t need to be too specific or even tell the truth! Rumours and acts sure are fun, aren’t they?


  • In addition, each character will be publicly introduced with 3 initial rumours about them. These statements don’t specifically have to be… negative or rude statements… but none of them have to be the truth either! Finding out what’s a lie about everyone else is just part of the fun.
  • You can preplan with other players any alliances, rivals, friendships, or any other relationship your character has with theirs.
  • Each player can, exclusively in the during the Festivities phase, publicly annouce a whisper to another player, and talk to them privately. The only way to communicate without anybody else knowing is by letter writing.


  • Each player has a reputation scaling from 1-5. 1 is society looks down on you, and 5 is you’re (most likely, incorrectly) viewed as a paragon of virtue.
  • Reputations are public, and can change throughout the game, kingly due to actions taken by you or other players.
  • Players with higher reputations hold a degree of influence over those with low reputations. A player with a higher reputation can spend one favour to make a player with an lower reputation do something (in the game). The bigger the difference between their reputation, the more outrageous the demand will be accepted.
  • Those with lower reputations can choose their letter remains secret when sending it to a player with higher reputations, during the letter writing phase.


  • Favours are the currency each player has. Every player starts with 0, but have the ability to, once per game, give a favour to any player other then themselves.
  • Each round, a favour will be given to the player(s) who win events, and who are deemed to have written the best letter(s) by host decision.

Letter Writing Phase

  • You may send up to 2 letters to other players each letter phase. Letters can be a short note, heartfelt written paragraphs, hateful messages about the tap beer from the pub next to your evil headquarters, or, if you’ve got that creative spark, perhaps an image or a poem or song. Each message has a character cap of 2000. An image counts for 300, and a poem or song counts for 1500.
  • To send a letter, post it in the seperate Shadowfell - Letters channel and ping the recipient.
  • To send a secret letter (see rules on Lower Reputations above), ping me with it in your rolecard and I’ll pass it on.
    You can send your letters immediately or wait to reply to any you receive. If you’re out of letters for the round, you can also reply in conversation, but those do not count for letters decided to count for favours.
  • Please keep all conversations public during this phase.

Festivities Phase

  • There are many ways to spend your time at the (FLAVOUR) festival! In addition to the things mentioned below, use this time to do roleplaying actions, such as… (flavour that needs writing)
  • One or two events will be ran during this phase. The Winner(s) will gain a favour.
  • You can also use this time to hunt for hidden scrolls. These are letters written by the hostess and/or kibitz if there is one, containing new and revelatory material to base rumours off of. There will be at least 2 hidden scrolls, and who they are about will be randomly determined. Details of how you can search for them will be explained later (I’m gonna attempt to set some bot stuff up).

(that final part is unedited. no clue what they chose to do with it)

Rumours phase

  • Each player can do 1 of the following actions. Select one in your rolecard.
  • Start a rumour: Your new rumour can again be true/false/ambiguous, but this time it can be about any character (including yourself).
  • Spend a favour to dispel a rumour: Perhaps it was a vicious falsehood invented by a rival, perhaps it’s true but your intentions were noble in a way that the court has not yet given you the chance to prove. You can dispel 1 rumour about yourself or someone else. The favour spent is removed from the game, and the relevant reputation benefits from the good publicity accordingly.
  • Spend a favour to develop a rumour into a scandal: Just eating flesh? Ha! They ate the previous queen as well! Perhaps your investigations revealed the “real” story behind the rumour, or maybe you’re just ensuring they can’t get back up by a similar story. Either way, a scandalous reputation is one on its way down. Again, this can be done on a rumour about yourself or another, and the spent favour is removed.
  • If you discovered a hidden scroll during the previous phase, you also must reveal its contents now.
  • At the end of the rumours phase, you will learn how your reputations have fared over the course of the round, then the game will repeat for one more turn, before it’s end.

(Etc explainations that I Do Not Know)


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i am now mid bronze

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my teammate immediately left the first game i joined

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congratulations on inning in the exclusive Atlas version of Willow’s RP game!

you’re going to be all alone. for 12 days. in a room.

i will announce phase changes as needed. please give us your mailing address below!