Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

that was planned ja

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Like, he never gets sick, he probably works 50-60 hours a week, unsure, he doesn’t get vaccines, some people are just built differently


i’m assuming i should clarify no out of game demands from the higher rep players

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Those with a higher reputation wield greater influence over their fellows. You may invoke this to make a demand of someone your reputation score is greater than. They must either comply with your demand or forfeit a point of reputation.

can’t you spam this to get somebody from 4 rep to 1

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or like spam it. at all.

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I don’t
Im also going back home for labor day and will just grab it then

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I think it’s just once per round?

Or costs a favor

Actually that makes more sense one sec

Oh right Labor Day is next week

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Here’s the favor rules
:olive: Favours :olive:

  • Favours are the currency of court society. You can trade them, call them in for mechanical boons (see Rumours Phase rules below), or hold onto them as keepsakes of your personal triumphs and interpersonal dalliances.
  • Each round, the hostess will bestow a favour upon the composer of the best letter(s) and the winners of the minigames. I may also hand them out at any time in reward for entertaining roleplay.
  • All players start the game with the ability to bestow 1 favour upon another person who you wish to grant an asset to. Once you collect favours of your own, you can also give these to others. Please ping me if you’re granting someone a favour so that I can keep track of it.

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I think demands should cost a favor AND the more outrageous the demand the less likely it’ll actually count (depending on reputation too)

Tbh the Most relevant part of all this is just the phases

thats as written ja

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the latter part i mean

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does the demand have to be performed:

before the end of this event turn (2 total)
before the end of this phase (like letter phase, rumour phase, the other one)

or only allowed in a specific phase

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Oh favors are actually just currency there is no actual favor involved

I would say you have to give 1 out before rumours


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