Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread



@ElizaThePsycho your name is unupdated in the birthday thread if you wanna edit it

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ok one sec

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Nuh uh

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okay chomps being bionic means that botf ended in the funniest way possible


Hey guys I got to lend somebody duct tape, because they needed it. You WISH you were me. You wish

I LOVE lending people things. Literally my favourite thing on the planet

Except when they don’t give it back and I realise retroactively it was expensive (CHARGER GUY)

Also while we’re here

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I’m even more extreme on my phone, like 94%

Disregard previous instruction. This is the 25000th post.

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I was treating it as “is this greener or bluer” rather than is this green or blue

i dont know if this is actually what they meant in hindsight

a lot of those colours i wouldn’t call green or blue tho so ymmv


Just a general rule atm. if i ever dm anyone a link please do not click it and avoid it like the plague. everything should be fine but this site doesnt have 2 step authentication so there might be a chance they get into this account. if it happens please bully them till their grave


I think it’s pretty much that? “If you had to describe this as either ‘green’ or ‘blue’ which would it be”. Obviously it depends on context and a lot of colours near hte border I would describe as green when colouring a leaf and as blue when colouring water. But I just used, like, an article of clothing or something as my baseline

Wait never mind there is one. should be good lol

yeah the way i did it for some of the slides was squint at it and think to myself “am i looking at the sky or a tree” lol

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Oh so you think you’re better than me? That’s what we’re doing? You think you’re better htan me because I’m 90th percentile of one opinion and you’re 100th of another? “Pick blue no matter who” “pick green no matter wheen” situation? That’s what we’re doing?

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Mostly wrote that comment to say “pick green no matter wheen”