Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Consider: the Tears of the Kingdom situation where pre-orders were $60, and then the game was revealed to cost $70.


(Not actually certain how that one was handled.)

id assume preorders got the grandfathered $60 price otherwise lolnintendo

…actually its nintendo i wouldnt even be shocked


wasnt tears of the kingdom underbaked

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It had its fair share of problems, but I wouldn’t attribute any of them to a lack of development time.


botw 1.5

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tears of the kingdom was 100% not underbaked lmao

I think there are issues with the game and i didnt like it as much as BOTW but like, none of thst is attributable to development time, just the design of the game itself


baking involves elements other than putting something in an oven
i was kingly referring to it’s similarities to botw, which is all i heard about, due to not buying the games due to not wanting to play a boring game

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aka: i said something with a clear meaning then accidently doubled down on that meaning whilst meaning something entirely else

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It was not underbaked at all. It has some absolutely insane physics simulations and the crafting system is incredibly refined. No other AAA publisher would have let that game come out in any other state than a complete fucking disaster.

My issue with it is it’s just so big and there’s so much going on, and the core game loop is still really similar to BotW, but even then I still did all the story stuff to unlock the final fight. I haven’t beat it because I keep getting sidetracked on like genuinely neat side content, but as I’m getting older I just can’t stick with games for that long before dropping them. But the exploration is less of a driving force this time around and the gameplay differences is pretty minor which makes it a bit less of an engaging experience overall.


YBW clearly meant underbarked

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didnt gearbox publish subnatica on consoles

My bigger problem is that a lot of the new content was clearly stripped back.
The Sky Islands used to be a much larger aspect of the game, but most of them got cut because they blocked out the Sun too often.
The Depths is clearly meant to be inhospitable and hostile, but that robs it of the life that defines Hyrule’s surface.
As such, the player is back to spending the lion’s share of time on the surface, and the game’s addition of various cave and well systems - while appreciated - is just not enough new stuff.

Also, the user interface builds upon BotW’s when it really needed to dig itself from the roots and start from scratch given its complexity.


I see


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wasnt totk originally going to be dlc, but it’s scope was too big and so they released it stand alone

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That was Silksong.


Famously, rather. Am sure it occurred for many games.

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Yeah I agree regarding the islands and depths.


sometimes when im bored i click on my iso and read my laat 50 posts

nothing better than seeing the funniest person you know acts repeated